Five of the best home work outs

Five of the best home work outs

I love exercising from home - it's quick when you're pressed for time, super flexible and there is so much choice that you can choose anything from a chilled pilates session to full on boot camps. 

My first foray into exercising 'properly' was Davina McCall work out DVDs. I started doing them in earnest after my son was born and they made such a difference to my body confidence and mental health. Bear in mind that I was the girl at school who would do anything to get out of PE lessons and would always be at the back of the cross country run and the last to be picked for the netball team!

If you're new to home work outs, it's worth investing in a set of dumb bells - I would start with a 2 or 3 kgs set, a mat and maybe a kettlebell too - a 6kg one should be fine for things like weighted squats and lunges but a 4kg would be a good weight to start on for more strenuous exercises. mat - Violet and Percy water bottle - Violet and Percy 


Dumb Bells - Argos



Kettlebell - Argos


I've listed some of my favourite work outs and as ever, if you think I've left out a good one, please let me know.


1. Heather Robertson

I'm a recent convert to Heather's YouTube channel and what I love about it most is that her workouts are hugely varied, really challenging and most importantly, there is no talking on them! They are mainly HIIT work outs, some with weights but a lot require no equipment. Check out her free 12 Week Program.



2. POPSUGAR Fitness

A great work out channel with a huge amount of exercises to choose from with different instructors. I find some of them a bit 'in your face' with a lot of whooping and cheering which isn't very 'British' but the dance ones are a lot of fun and will definitely brighten your mood and get those endorphins going!



3. Fitness Blender

This is something a bit more low-key and no frills. Husband and wife team Daniel and Kelli coach you through over 500 work outs which are brilliantly filtered by fitness level, equipment required and time. The exercises are well explained and are a good place to start if you're worried about getting your form right.




4. Yoga with Adriene

If you're new to yoga this is the perfect place to start. Adriene Mischler (and her dog, Benji) posts regular practices and there really is something for everyone - there's even one called Yoga for Hangovers! What's great about them is that you're not made to feel that you're bad at yoga or not doing it well enough, it's just very relaxed and easy-going. Try starting with the 30 Days of Yoga sessions.



5. The Body Coach

Joe Wicks has pretty much got every home work out covered - there's even a collection of exercises for kids - but as a big kettlebell fan, I would recommend this one. It's a great all over body work out and it's a particularly good way to strengthen core stability.




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