The Best Christmas Presents Ever

The Best Christmas Presents Ever


It may be a dim and distant memory – Christmas, that is – and you may be feeling a bit bleurgh about January but if you got a good haul of presents then all is not lost. Dab a bit of your new perfume on, put your new, soft PJs on as soon as the sun sets, light that ‘virgin’ candle or read that crisp book – if you got just what you wanted for Christmas or maybe a really lovely surprise then now is the time of year to enjoy them.

I did really well on the present front this year so I thought I’d share some of them with you – you never know, it may give you some inspiration for your gift-giving in 2018. Here are some of my favourites.

I also asked some of my lovely Instagram friends what their favourites were and I got such a wonderful range of answers, I thought I’d share some with you.

@gill68 – my aunt died earlier this year and for my birthday my uncle gave me the necklace she aways wore, which immediately sent me into floods of tears. For Christmas he gave me another necklace which is lovely but didn’t give me such an emotional punch – just happy thoughts.

@cynthiadugan – our childminder put together a scrapbook for our daughters which was gorgeous. I came downstairs to them sitting on the couch reading it to each other. My best present was my Mahabi slippers – I haven’t taken them off since getting them!

 Mahabi slippers
Mahabi slippers

@when_a_house_is_a_home_ – a Karcher window vac! It was a joke pressies but I’m in awe!

@sally_barns – I got my husband home! He was supposed to be at sea for three weeks and when I came down on Christmas morning there he was stood in the front room – I literally felt like I was in a film!

@takingfiveforawhile – my hubby bought me a lovely book – 100 Houses 100 years by Twentieth Century Society – he knows me well!

 100 Houses 100 Homes
100 Houses 100 Homes

@joavery1 – Vans trainers and my husband making Christmas dinner is the best present he gives me every year.

@loumerryweather – Chupa jewellery – it’s f***ing amazing!

 Chupi necklace
Chupi necklace

@peaceandjam1 – I got a Macbook Pro – massive surprise and a very nice one at that. I also got a one-footed bear slipper! – my partner and I gave each other time this Christmas. Being a couple that never has much time together – small children, running a family business, etc. So this Christmas I opened three surprise dates including afternoon tea in London and a spa break. His included lunch at a country pub and a film at Notting Hill Electric Cinema. I think this might become a tradition.

@shadowplaydesign – my husband bought me some Veja trainers which arrived late (after Christmas) so he drew a fantastic picture of them in a card instead.

 Veja trainers
Veja trainers

@gaylemansfielddesigns – does a single egg poacher count?!

I’d love to hear what you got and what made it so special to you. Feel free to leave a comment.

F x


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